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Albatros-Hispanófila Siglo XXI is a series of academic monographs on Spanish literature –for the present on Golden Age literature. It is published by Albatros Ediciones of Artes Gráficas Soler (Valencia, Spain) in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, and French. Committed to high quality, offset formatting, materials, and workmanship of professional craft quality, this series seeks to stimulate and disseminate criticism based on a variety of cultural, socio-historical, and linguistic perspectives without ties to groups, styles, or schools. Such a broadly oriented philology is intended to encourage interdisciplinary approaches to the study of literature and disciplines relevant to literature, and it is viewed by the editors as a standard of quality in the appraisal of submissions. The series thus welcomes scholarship that draws on the explosion of knowledge that characterized the second half of the twentieth century and that has placed within reach of today’s scholars vast opportunities now possible for the first time.

Upon establishing a reputation for high quality in studies on the literature of Spain’s Golden Age, Albatros-Hispanófila Siglo XXI will expand to other areas of Spanish literature.


Albatros Ediciones - Artes Gráficas Soler, S. L . • La Olivereta, 28 • Valencia • España •