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In 2012 Albatros Ediciones offers a new series ‘The History of Spain and its International Impact’, (Colección Historia de España y su proyección internacional).  The origins of this project lie in discussions held in 2011 between Vicente Soler y Enrique García Hernán, who first proposed it.  Now directed by Dr.García Hernán, the series is supervised under an Academic Advisory Committee comprised of recognised international experts, and aims to make available works of major importance which examine the history of Spain and its influence and impact overseas, with no restriction on time or space.  The only criterion for inclusion in this series is the academic excellence of the study itself.  The intention is that this pioneering collection will offer a panoramic view of our national history, many aspects of which remain little known or are still being intensively researched by scholars.  The aim is to encourage contact between the different branches of scholarship and therefore to sponsor an interdisciplinary approach, and the editors are keen to publish works that offer a new dimension to our understanding of broad themes in both Spanish and international history.  To this end no restriction is placed on the theme, content, methodology or focus of study, but instead it is hoped to offer insights into politics, religion, military history, social and cultural history, the history of ‘mentalities’ or mental horizons…
The initial aim of this collection was to serve as a conduit for the publication of works produced under the auspices of the Council for Spanish-Irish Historical Studies, (‘Consejo Hispano Irlandés de Estudios Históricos,  This Council was formed in 2011 as a result of the signing of a declaration by representatives of The Spanish National Research Council  (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas or CSIC), the Royal Academy of History (Real Academia de la Historia), and the Royal Irish Academy.  In March 2011, the President of the Irish Republic underlined the importance of this scholarly venture:
“It is important that joint research on our shared historical legacy should continue and so I am delighted that a formal Declaration is being signed this week by the Royal Irish Academy, the Real Academia de la Historia and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas on the establishment of a Council for Spanish-Irish Historical Studies (Zarzuela). It is deeply moving to know in such fascinating detail of the lives of the Irish in Spain many centuries ago. Their hearts and hands made solid bonds of friendship and kinship between Ireland and Spain. We build on those today and as we do we acknowledge the debt we owe to the scholars who continue the historical research that allows us not just to understand our past better, but allows us to understand our very selves better. For that reason, I particularly welcome the formal Declaration concerning the establishment of a "Council of Spanish-Irish Historical Studies" that is being signed in Madrid this week between representatives of the Royal Irish Academy, the Real Academia de la Historia and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. This Declaration affirms the strong commitment to maintain and develop future cooperation and provide a more effective advisory structure for the coordination and promotion of collaborative research projects (Universidad de Alcalá).
"In recognition of the major historical research projects, publications, databases, conferences and symposia that have been organized and conducted over the past fifteen years by Spanish and Irish scholars and academic institutions, institutionally and individually, concerning the archaeological, historical and cultural studies of the centuries-old relationships between Ireland and Spain and the Iberian-Atlantic World, it is proposed by the said scholars and the institutions that they represent, to establish The Council for Hispano-Hibernian Historical Studies, in order to continue this highly significant and valuable work that enhances the friendship and understanding between Ireland and Spain and supports the bi-lateral political, diplomatic, cultural, economic and humanitarian relations between the two countries”.

The Declaration of the Foundation of the Council for Spanish-Irish Historical Studies was duly signed on 21 March 2011 by Excmo. Sr. D. Gonzalo Anes (RAH), Excmo Sr. D. Julián Rodrigo (CSIC) and Professor Dr. Nicholas Canny (Royal Irish Academy).

Albatros Ediciones - Artes Gráficas Soler, S. L . • La Olivereta, 28 • Valencia • España •